The Decline of Religiosity: A Brief History
The contemporary world presents an increasingly challenging environment for mission outreach. Many outreach-oriented Christian faiths experienced dramatic worldwide growth from the post-World War II era until the early 1990s. Faiths engaged in proselytism generally did well. However, the growth rates of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as many other religious groups have fallen substantially since that time. From a societal perspective, the decline in religiosity represents the culmination of both old and new trends. The practices and policies of various churches and religions have also impacted receptivity, but this entry will focus only on societal (demand-side) factors. In the ancient and medieval world, most people were religious. However, religion had different meaning and purpose for many than is the case today. Ancient Paganism Ancient pagans relied on mythology to explain natural phenomenon, from the daily passage of the sun ("the sun-god dr