
Showing posts from August, 2023

Preach My Gospel 2nd Edition: A Transformational Improvement

2023 Preach My Gospel Mission Program Changes  On June 22, 2023, the LDS Church announced the release of the second edition of the Preach My Gospel (PMG) missionary manual.   While organized to cover similar topics to the 2004 Preach My Gospel manual , the second edition involves extensive revision with some sections almost entirely rewritten.  PMG 2.0 materially and substantially addresses many of the challenges cited in my November 2022 JMSSA article . Some of the key changes are as follows.  Missionaries are instructed that their success is determined by their own efforts and not by the agency of others, and to engage in sincere discipleship and service  (Chapter 1).   Baptism is presented as ‘a point along the path of conversion” and not as a “final destination” (Chapter 3). Rather than intending the prior “short versions” of discussions to be adequate teaching of each lesson, the second edition notes that missionaries “will usually need multiple meetings to teach the principles